How Do I Embed a Video Uploaded/Captioned through Canvas to My D2L Course Site?
Before you begin this tutorial:
- You must have upload a video, order captions, and edit captions through My Media in Canvas, using this tutorial:
- Or you must have uploaded through My Media in Account area in Canvas
Step #1

- After logging in to Canvas, click the Account tab in Global Navigation.
- Select My Media.
Step #2

Identify the video that you want to embed in your D2L course site.
- Click the Title (blue linked text).
Step #3

- Click the Details pull-down menu
- Select Share.
Step #4

Select the Player Skin you wish to embed in your course.
- The Basic player is the default player available through the HTML editor in My Media and does not provide additional functionality beyond Captioning, Speed Selection, and Full Screen options.
- The Download player provides the option to download the media (audio/podcast or video file) -- in addition to Captioning, Speed Selection, and Full Screen options.
- The Share & Embed Player provides the ability to Share Embed Code -- in addition to Captioning, Speed Selection, and Full Screen options.
- The Download, Share & Embed player provides the option to download the media (audio/podcast or video file) and the ability to Share Embed Code -- in addition to Captioning, Speed Selection, and Full Screen options.
Step #5

- Select Responsive Sizing. This setting allows the player to resize based on the use of a mobile device, the screen resolution, the browser window size.
- Select the Maximum Player Size that the player will display within the browser window in the course site. Keep in mind that the "full size" option will enlarge to the entire screen. These setting corresponds to the Large, Medium, and Small settings available through the HTML editor in My Media.
Step #6

- Once you have selected the Player Skin and the Maximum Player Size, click into the box with the Embed code to highlight the text.
Copy the text to your computer clipboard by hitting [CTRL+C] on your PC keyboard or [Command+C] on your Mac keyboard.
Step #7

- Login to D2L, enter your course site, and click Content.
Step #8 (Optional - Skip if you have already created a module)

If you need to create a new Module for the video:
- Click Add a module... and provide a title for the Module.
Skip this step if you have already created a module.
Step #9

If you have already created the Module for the video:
- Click the Module Title from the list of Modules.
Step #10

- Pull down the menu under New.
- Select Create a File.
Step #9

- Provide a Title for your video.
- In the HTML editor, click the Insert Stuff button.
Step #10

- Click the Enter Embed Code tab.
- Paste the text you copied in Step #6 by hitting [CTRL+V] on your PC keyboard or [Command+V] on your Mac keyboard.
- Click Next.
Step #11

You will see a preview of your video in the window.
- Click the Insert button.
Step #12

- Once you return to the "Create a File" window, select Publish.
Step #13

Once you've returned to the browser window that displays your video:
- You may view your captions by clicking the Play button (to start the video) and then clicking the CC button on the player.
- If you selected a player that allows Download (icon looks like a folder with an arrow) or Sharing (icon looks like a RSS feed symbol), these features can be accessed in the top navigation bar of the player.
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