Downloading Video or Audio Files from D2L's My Media
This tutorial will describe how to download media, that was previously uploaded to My Media in D2L, to your desktop.
Before You Begin:
- You must have added "My Media" to your D2L course navigation bar. If My Media is not visible on your navigation bar, complete this tutorial:
- It is recommended that you use Chrome as your browser for this process. The screenshots in this tutorial will match most closely when using this browser.
Step #1

- From inside your D2L course site, click My Media.
Step #2

A new window will display the "My Media" area. In this area, you will find all the media that you have previously uploaded to My Media in D2L.
- Identify the media that you'd like to download and click the blue hot-linked title of the media.
- You’ll see all the media you've uploaded through My Media in D2L. To download the video, click on the title of the video on the "My Media" page. This will take you to the asset itself.
- The player on this page will have a download button (the icon looks like a box with a down arrow) on the top right side of the player window. Click this icon to download the video.
Step #3

The player on this page will have a download button (the icon looks like a box with a down arrow) on the top right side of the player window.
- Click the Download video icon to download the video.
Step #4

Depending on the browser you are using and your browser settings, you may be prompted to save the video to a specific location, or the video may download automatically (as shown in the screenshot.
If you are using Chrome, the progress of the video download will be visible in the yellow bar located at the bottom of your browser window.
If the browser prompts you to save the file, navigate to a location on your computer (where you can access the file later), and save the file.
Step #5

By default, Chrome is set to automatically download the file and save it to the Download folder on computer. Once downloaded, click the pulldown menu, in the yellow bar located at the bottom of your browser window, to be shown where the file downloaded.
Important Next Step:
If you are moving audio of video files from My Media in D2L to Canvas, you should upload the media file through My Media to a Canvas Page? Use the following tutorial for assistance:
How Do I Upload a Video through My Media to a Canvas Page?
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