Exporting a D2L gradebook, entering grades manually using Microsoft Excel, and importing grades as .CSV files

This tutorial will show you how to use Microsoft Excel to manually enter (or manipulating grades), for re-upload to D2L Grades area.  This tutorial is useful if you prefer to track grades in MS Excel or if you normally use the advanced formula features of MS Excel to calculate grades.  If you do not have a copy of Microsoft Excel, you can download a free version, available to UWM instructors and students, use the following tutorial: https://kb.uwm.edu/page.php?id=45766.

Because you are using a spreadsheet to connect grades with students, it is important that you start with a spreadsheet formatted in a way that D2L recognizes.  To this end, we recommend that you download your gradebook from D2L, regardless of whether you have already created grade items.  The exported gradebook will include correctly formatted student user fields ensuring that the correct grade is attributed to the correct student.  It is also important to be very precise when manipulating the spreadsheet.  Follow the directions below carefully taking care not to change the fields that identify users or grade items.

You may consider printing this tutorial and referencing it as you work. A printable PDF version of this tutorial can be found here: https://db.tt/98MRO8kL

Step #1

Step #1

Log in to D2L (http://d2l.uwm.edu) using your ePanther ID and password. Go to your D2L course site by clicking on the name of your course.

  1. Once you are in our course, click on [Grades] in the upper navigation bar.

Step #2

Step #2
  1. From the [Enter Grades] tab, click on [Export].

Step #3

Step #3
  1. In the [Export Grades] window, configure the export setting as follow:
  2. Under [Key Filed] , select the [Both] radio button.
  3. Under [Grade Value], select the [Points grade] box.
  4. Under [User Details], select the [Last Name] and [First Name] boxes.
  5. Under [Grade Item], select the items you want to export to Excel, if applicable.  Uncheck the [Final Calculated Grade] and [Final Adjusted Grade] -- unless you plan to manipulating the the final grades in Excel.
  6. Click [Export to CSV].

Step #4

Step #4

D2L will generate the file and open the [Export Grades] window.

  1. Click in the blue link to download the .CSV file.

Step #5

Step #5

Depending on your computer and browser configurations, you should receive an option to open the .CSV file using Microsoft Excel.  

  1. Ensure [Open with Microsoft Excel] is selected.
  2. Click [Okay].

If you are not prompted to open the .CSV file, locate the downloaded file and open with Excel.

Step #6

Step #6

Once opened in Excel, you'll see the following columns:

  1. The [OrgDefinedID] and the [Username] columns help D2L connect the students grades with the grade items.  Don't make changes to either column or D2L will not successfully connect the correct grades with the correct student.
  2. The [Last Name] and [First Name] can be used to key student grades if you are entering grades manually into the spreadsheet.  Don't change the names in this column.
  3. The Grade Items you exported will be listed as columns.  You may enter grades manually under these columns for uploading back to D2L.
  4. The [End-of-line Indicator] column tells D2L that there are no other items to import.  Regardless of how you manipulate the data,  [End-of-line Indicator] column MUST BE THE LAST COLUMN in the spreadsheet in order to successfully import the grades back into D2L.

Step #7 (Optional - Adding a new Grade Item)

Step #7 (Optional - Adding a new Grade Item)

If you wish to add a Grade Item that was not exported from your D2L Gradebook, insert a new column BEFORE the [End-of-line Indicator] column.  To do this, you can RIGHT click on a column and select [Insert].

  1. Identify the new column by entering the grade item name (e.g. Exam 2) in ROW 1 of the column.  The name you provide in row 1 of the column will be the Grade Item name used in D2L's Gradebook.  IMPORTANT - enter the words "Points Grade" after the name of the grade item in row 1 of the column (e.g. Exam 2 Points Grade).  This tells D2L that this column is a grade item.  Without the addition of "Points Grade" after the name, the file will not import successfully.
  2. You may enter grades manually under the new columns for uploading back to D2L.

Step #8

Step #8
  1. Once you have entered grades or added new grade items, save the spreadsheet as a .CSV file.

Step #9

Step #9

Return to the [Grades] area of your D2L course site.

  1. From the [Enter Grades] tab, click on [Import].

Step #10

Step #10
  1. Click the [Browse...] button, navigate to the location on your computer where you have saved your .CSV file and select the file.
  2. OPTIONAL - if you have added a new grade item in the spreadsheet in Step #7, check the box in front of [Create new grade item when an unrecognized item is referenced].
  3. Click [Continue].

Step #11 (ONLY for a new Grade Item)

Step #11 (ONLY for a new Grade Item)

If you have added a new grade item in the spreadsheet in Step #7 and checked the box in front of [Create new grade item when an unrecognized item is referenced] in Step #10, you'll receive the [Create New Grade Items] options.

  1. Ensure that the new grade item will be created as the correct grade type.  If you want the new item to be a type other than "Numeric" pull down the menu under [Type] and select the correct item type.
  2. Click [Continue].

Step #12 (ONLY for a new Grade Item)

Step #12 (ONLY for a new Grade Item)

If necessary, you may adjust the grade properties for the new grade item:

  1. You may add the new grade item to a grade [Category].
  2. You may change the [Maximum Points], or change the [Weight].  
  3. If the grade item has extra credit (e.g. an exam with extra credit) and the students could potentially receive more that the maximum number of points, check the [Can Exceed] box.  If the item, itself, is extra credit, check the [Bonus] box.
  4. When the new grade item's properties are accurate, click [Continue].

Step #13

Step #13

If the alterations to the .CSV file were successful, you should receive a 'No errors or warnings found."

  1. Click [Continue].


Step #14

Step #14

You'll receive a preview of the imported grade data.

  1. Click the [Import] button to complete the .CSV import process.


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