Adding text and images to an ePortfolio Reflection
Before you begin, you must have:
- A ePortfolio Presentation with Reflection made available to you by your instructor.
- Images uploaded to your ePortfolio as Artifacts. If you need to upload images, see:
- Descriptive text composed in a word processing program that can be copied and pasted into your ePortfolio.
You may consider printing this tutorial and referencing it as you work. A printable PDF version of this tutorial can be found here:
Step #1

If you have not already done so, log in to D2L ( using your ePanther ID and password. Go to your D2L course site by clicking on the name of your course.
- Once you are in our course, click on [ePortfolio] in the upper navigation bar.
Step #2

- Once you enter your ePortfolio, click on [My Items].
Step #3

- From the list of items, identify the [Reflection] to which you'll add text and images. A reflection will be marked by an icon that looks like a green cloud.
- Pull down the menu to the right of the reflection.
- Select [Edit].
Step #4

Before you begin this step: Open the word processing document containing the text you'd like to add to the reflection. Highlight the entire document text by clicking into the text area and hitting [CTRL+A] on your PC keyboard or [Command+A] on your Mac keyboard. Once all the text is highlighted, copy the text by hitting [CTRL+C] on your PC keyboard or [Command+C] on your Mac keyboard.
- To paste the text into the reflection, click the [Show All Components] button in the HTML Editor area.
- Pull down the menu to the right of the [Paste] button and select [Paste from Word].
Step #5

A new "Paste from Word" window will appear.
- Click into the editor field and paste the text you copied from in Step #4 by hitting [CTRL+V] on your PC keyboard or [Command+V] on your Mac keyboard.
- Click [Update].
Step #6 (OPTIONAL - Adding Images)

You'll return to the Edit Reflection window. To add images to the reflection complete the following steps:
- In the HTML editor, locate the place in the text where you'd like to insert an image. Place your cursor between the paragraphs and click [ENTER] on your keyboard a few times to give the image space between the text.
- With your cursor in the correct location, click the [Insert Stuff] button (looks like "play," "pause," "stop," and "fast forward" buttons).
Step #7 (OPTIONAL - Adding Images)

- Ensure that [ePortfolio] is selected. Browse for the image from the items already uploaded to your ePortfolio. NOTE: If you have not already uploaded your images to your ePortfolio, complete the steps in the following tutorial:
- Check the box in front of the image you’d like to insert.
- Click the [Next] button.
Step #8 (OPTIONAL - Adding Images)

- Enter [Link Text] and [Alternate Text]. This can be the same text as the Topic Title.
- Ensure that the box in front of [Lock aspect ratio] is checked. This will keep your image height and width proportional.
- If your image has a horizontal orientation, enter a number in the [Width] box. It is recommended that horizontal images your images are NO WIDER than 900px. If your image has a vertical orientation, enter a number in the [Height] box. It is recommended that vertical images are NO TALLER than 750px. Because you’ve checked the [Lock aspect ratio], you do not need to enter a number in the other box. D2L will automatically size the height appropriately.
- Click [Refresh Preview] to see how your resized image will look in D2L. If you want it larger or smaller, type a larger or smaller number in the [Width] box.
- When you’re satisfied with the size, click [Insert].
Step #9 (OPTIONAL - Adding Images)

Once you return to the HTML Editor, you can add additional images, if desired. Repeat Step #6 - Step #8, until all your images are added to your reflection.
- When you are satisfied with the text and image arrangement, click [Save and Close].
Step #10 (OPTIONAL - Adding Images)

In the reflection preview, you can see the arrangement of text and images.
- OPTIONAL: If you wish to edit the text or images, pull-down the window to the right ot the reflection title and select [Edit].
- When you are satisfied with the edits, click the [Save and Close] button.
Step #11

It is important to preview your reflection in the presentation to ensure that it has been created correctly.
- Ensure that you are in the [My Items] area.
- To quickly find the correct presentation, you may want to click [Presentations] in the [Filter by:] menu. Identify the Presentation you’d like to preview. Note: Presentations have icons that looks like a little poster board and easle.
- Click the [Down arrow] to the right of the presentation title.
- Select [View Presentation].
Step #12

You'll see a preview of your Presentation. Click the Reflection Page you'd like to view.
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