Creating narrated presentations using Slideboom (for Mac PowerPoint 2011) and embedding it in a D2L Discussion Post
SlideBoom creates narrated presentations which can be viewed in Desire2Learn. Slideboom is a web-based tool that converts Microsoft PowerPoint files (including recorded audio) to a format (Flash) that is ideal for sharing e-learning content over the web.
There are several advantages to using SlideBoom for creating narrated presentations.
- Slideboom makes it very easy to publish your presentation. Once uploaded, the presentation lives on the web which allows for reliable viewing. The disadvantage (for some) is that the presentation lives on a website and could potentially be accessed by those outside the class, albeit very unlikely.
- If you create a script for your presentation, this script can be copied and pasted into the “notes area” in PowerPoint. Slideboom will automatically create captions from the notes. This is especially useful for students with disabilities or for students who prefer to read the presentation while listening. See for more information.
- With Slideboom, it is easy to copy presentations from one semester to another since large media files are not stored in your D2L course site.
- Slideboom provides an online profile listing all your presentations, similar to a YouTube channel. Here is an example of the web channel for a SlideBoom account:
This tutorial is written for Mac users using the Office 2011 version of PowerPoint. If you are using a different version of PowerPoint, you can use this tutorial; however the screenshots may look slightly different.
Before you begin:
- You will need the desktop version of PowerPoint. You cannot use the web versions (OneDrive) of PowerPoint. In addition, you must have Microsoft PowerPoint, you cannot use OpenOffice or other presentation software for this procedure. To download a free version of MS PowerPoint, available to UWM instructors and students, use the following tutorial:
- In order to create narrated PowerPoint presentations using Slideboom, you MUST setup a free account at: (do not upload files as a Guest)
- It is highly recommended that you use microphone headset for recording your voice. This will assure that the microphone remains at a fixed distance, creating a consistent volume level throughout the recording process. We suggest the Logitech® Stereo Headset H390: However, any noise-cancelling, USB-connected microphone headset should suffice. You can also check out a USB microphone headset using your ePanther ID card for 4 hours from the UWM Media Library located in the West Wing, Lower Level (
- You must have a completed PowerPoint presentation. Your verbal presentation should not exceed 40 minutes. If you plan a lengthy presentation, consider separating the presentation into parts.
You may consider printing this tutorial and referencing it as you work. A printable PDF version of this tutorial can be found here:
For additional information and frequently asked questions about recording narration in PowerPoint, see:
(Optional) Setting-up your microphone - Step #1

Setting-up your microphone in the
- From the [System Preferences] window, select [Sounds].
(Optional) Setting-up your microphone - Step #2

- Click the [Input] tab and select the correct microphone headset.
(Optional) Setting-up your microphone - Step #3

- Click the [Output] tab and select the correct microphone headset.
Step #1

Ensure that your microphone headset is plugged into your computer. Open your presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2011 on your Mac. Have your script ready.
- Ensure that you have the correct slide selected. For example, if you do not want to record audio on your title slide, click Slide #2.
- Click on the [Slide Show] menu.
- Select [Record Slide Show].
The recording will begin immediately, so be prepared to begin speaking when you click the [Record Slide Show] button.
Step #2

The slide image will appear and you can start to record your narration. When you have completed the narration on the slide, WAIT for a few seconds before moving to the next slide.
- To move to the next slide, you can click the forward arrow or space bar on your keyboard. There is also a menu at the bottom of the screen with options for navigation, but most presenters find the keyboard commands to be easiest to control.
If, when you review your recording, you find that the end of your audio on a slide has been cut off, re-record using the instructions in Step #5 and wait for several seconds before moving to the next slide.
Step #3

At the end of your presentation, move forward (click the arrow key) and you will be prompted [Do you want to save the slide timings also?]
- When prompted, click [Yes].
It is important to save slide timings, especially if you are re-recording a slide. Otherwise, the timing from the previous recording will be saved and your audio may be cut off.
Step #4

- When you are finished recording you slides, you can listen to your presentation by clicking on the [Slide Show] icon on the bottom left of the window, or selecting [From Start] under [Play Slide Show] in the [Slide Show] menu.
Step #5 (optional)

If you want to re-record a single slide:
- Click on the slide you want to re-record in the [Slide] view.
- Click the [Record Slide Show] button to begin recording. Remember, the recording will begin immediately, so be prepared to begin speaking when you click the [Record Slide Show] button.
When you have finished re-recording the slide, hit the [Esc] key (escape) on your keyboard to terminate the recording process and prevent re-recording the next slide.
When you are finished with your presentation, [Save] the file as a [PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx)].
Step #6

In order for the narration to be heard in Slideboom, you'll need to modify the way PowerPoint plays the audio files. To do this complete Step #6 through Step #9, in order:
- In [Normal] view, click on the first slide and then click the "speaker" icon on the slide.
Step #7

- Click the [Format Audio] tab in the top ribbon.
Step #8

- With the "speaker" icon on slide #1 selected, highlight all the slides in the presentation by scrolling to the bottom of the slide preview, holding down the SHIFT key on your keyboard, and selecting the last slide in the presentation.
Step #9

- With all the slides highlighted, pull down the menu next to [Start:] and select [Automatically].
Step #10

When you are sarisfied with your presentation, [Save] the file as a [PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx)]. (DO NOT save as a PowerPoint 97-2004 Presentation (.ppt))
Be sure the file is saved as a .PPTX. You will not be able to hear the audio when uploaded to SlideBoom, if you do not save the file as a .PPTX.
Step #11

- Go to and click [Sign In]. NOTE: If you have NOT setup a free Slideboom account (do not upload files as a Guest), YOU MUST REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT. Click the [Register] button in the top menu or go to:
- Enter your Slideboom username and password.
- Click [Sign In].
Step #12

- Click [Upload].
Step #13

- Click [Browse] and navigate to the location on your computer where you have stored the PowerPoint (.pptx) file for your presentation. Select the file.
- Click [Upload].
Step #14

- OPTIONAL: You may change the name of the presentation and add a description.
- You must select a [Topic]. Most choose [Education].
- Make sure that [Anyone can download my presentation], [Anyone can view my presentation] and [Allow embedding this presentation at other sites] are selected.
- Click [Submit].
Step #15

Your presentation file will begin uploading. You can monitor the progress in the progress bar.
- Once uploaded, click [View Presentation].
Step #16

Play you presentation and make sure that you can hear your audio.
Once you are viewing your presentation, you can obtain the "Embed Code" necessary for distributing the presentation from D2L:
- Click [Embed].
If you cannot, but you were able to hear the audio in Step #5, make sure that your PowerPoint has been saved as a .PPTX file.
Step #17

- Select the text (code) below [Embed code:] and copy by hitting [CTRL+C] on your PC keyboard or [Command+C] on your Mac keyboard.
Step #18

Once the Slideboom embed code is copied to your clipboard, you can paste the code into a Discussion Post in D2L using the instructions below:
- Login to D2L at, enter your course site and click [Discussions].
Step #19

- Click on the appropriate Discussion topic or this assignment.
Step #20

- Click the [Start a New Thread] button.
Step #21

- In the editor, click the small icon that looks like a play, stop, rewind, and fast forward button, called [Insert Stuff].
Step #22

- A new window will pop up. Click the button [Enter Embed Code].
- Paste the embed code that you copied from Step #11 into the [Embed code:] window.
- Click [Next].
Step #23

You will see a preview of your presentation in the window.
- Click the [Insert] button.
Step #24

- Once you return to the [New Message Details] page, enter a title for your post.
- Click [Post].
Step #25

You should see the presentation in your discussion post. You (and your peers) can control the play and volume from here.
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