Adding User With and Without ePanther ID & Password Reset
Go to User Management

- Click on the [cogs icon] found to the right of your name on the minibar.
- Select Users.
- Click on [New User].
Add a User with an ePanther ID

- Enter correct spelling of First Name and Last Name in appropriate text boxes.
- Enter User’s “ePanther ID” in Username text box.
- Do not check box next to Manually Set Password.
- Click on [Roles] drop down; select “Student.”
- Check box next to Make User Active.
- Enter “ePanther [email protected]” in Email text box.
- *** Do not check box next to Send Creation Email.
Add a User without an ePanther ID

- Enter correct spelling of First Name and Last Name in appropriate text boxes.
- Enter “firstname.lastname” in Username text box.
- Do not check box next to Manually Set Password.
- Click on [Roles] drop down; select “Guest.”
- Check box next to Make User Active.
- Enter provided Email address in Email text box.
- *** Check box next to Send Creation Email.
Email template for Guest Users without an ePanther ID
Hi Instructor Name,
A guest user account has now been created for Guest User First and Last Name.
Username = GuestUserFirstName.Last Name
An email has been sent to Guest User First Name requesting the creation of a password (with Subject Line: UWM D2L New User Confirmation and From: UWM D2L no-reply). Please let Guest User First Name know that the email has been sent and that the link to set a password is only viable for 5 days. After that, the link will expire and a new password will need to be generated.
When enrolling Guest User First Name in your D2L course site, feel free to select a role that you deem most appropriate for your needs. You can use this tutorial to add Guest User First Name to your course site: For more information on D2L user roles, see:
Guest User First Name will access D2L through a Special Access Account Login (Non ePanther ID). Instructions for logging in with a Special Access Account can be found here:
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us again.
Reset User Password

- On User Management screen, search for the user.
- Click the dropdown arrow next to the user's name
- Click "Email Password Resent Link"
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