How Do I Upload a Video through My Media to a Canvas Page?
Canvas has a special tool, called My Media, which is designed to distribute audio and video files efficiently and reliably. My Media will display the video (or audio file) in the browser with controls and, best of all, students do not need any special hardware or software to view the videos. The My Media tool is also very easy to use. Instead of uploading media files directly to Canvas, you upload through the My Media tool located in the Rich Content Editor (HTML Editor).
This tutorial will show you how to upload a video or media file through My Media to a Canvas Page. Once uploaded, you will have access to your media from any Canvas course site in which you are enrolled in the "Teacher" role.
When using a "Page" to distribute media to your class, you can set a due date. This date will be visible to students in the Home/Module area, the "To Do" list on Home, in the Calendar tool, and in the Course Summary under Course Syllabus.
Before you begin:
- Your video must be less than 2GB in size
- You must be enrolled in the course as a "Teacher"
Adding a Module (Optional) - Step #1

- From within your Canvas course site, navigate to the Home area.
- Click the Module button.
Adding a Module (Optional) - Step #2

- Type the module name.
- Click Add Module button.
Step #3

- Click the Add button (looks like a "+").
Step #4

- Select Page from the drop-down menu.
Step #5

- Click New Page.
- Type the Page Name.
- Click Add Item.
Step #6

- Click the title of the module item you just created.
Step #7

- Click the Edit button.
Step #8

- Select My Media.
Step #10
- Review the terms and conditions and click on the "I agree to the above terms and conditions" checkbox.
Step #12

Browse to the location on your computer where you have saved your media file and select the file. Note: if you downloaded media files that were uploaded through D2L's My Media using Chrome, these files will most likely be located in your "Downloads" folder.
- When the "Upload Completed!" message is received, type the media title.
OPTIONAL - Step #13

If you would like to share the media with another instructor at UWM, you can add a Collaborator.
- Click the + Add Collaborator button.
OPTIONAL - Step #14

- Enter the collaborator's last name or ePanther ID in the “Type user or group name” field. The collaborator’s user information (email address and name) should appear below the field.
- Once the collaborator’s name and ePanther ID autofills, click the entry. This will feed the information into the “Type user or group name” field and populate the field.
NOTE: If the user information does not appear, the instructor will need to log into Canvas and click the My Media button, under the Account tab to activate their My Media account. Once activated, the instuctor can be added to the video as a Collaborator.
Once uploaded, your media can be found in the My Media area, located under the Account tab in the Global Navigation area of Canvas.
OPTIONAL - Step #15

- Under the “Select Permissions” area, check the appropriate box to provide collaborator permissions. In most cases, Co-Editor box is appropriate.
- Click the Add button.
Note: Co-Editors can edit the entry's details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions, edit chapters and edit slides. Co-editors cannot delete media or add new co-editors and co-publishers.
Step #16
Once your video has successfully uploaded and you've added any desired collaborators, you can embed the video into your Canvas Page.
- EITHER, click the Embed Settings button (looks like a gray gear), to modify the embed settings embed.
- OR, click the Save and Embed button, to embed the video with the default settings. If you select the Save and Embed option, SKIP TO STEP #19.
Step #17 - Set Player Type
- In the "Embed Settings" area, you may change the player type and player size for the video that will be inserted into your Page.
- To change the player type, click the Choose Player drop-down menu and select the appropriate player.
Note: The "Default" player provides the standard player options (including the "Playback Speed" button and the "Full Screen" button). The "Sharable" player provides buttons that your students can use to download the video or link to the video with a URL or embed code. The "Simplified" player removes the "Playback Speed" button from the default player.
Step #18 - Set Embed Size
- To change the player size, click the Max Embed Size drop-down menu.
If the video will be the only item in the Page description, you may want to select the largest size, 900x507. You may wish to make the player size smaller, 608x342 or 400x225, if you plan to add text to the Page description.
Step # 19 - Set Start Time and End Time
- To set a different "Start" and "End" time for the video, select the Start at button and enter the time code for the point in the video you'd like students to begin watching.
- You may also wish to select the End at button and enter the time code for the point in the video you'd like students to stop watching.
Step #20 - Finalizing Embed Settings
- Once the embed settings have been modified to your satisfaction, click the Embed button.
Step #21

A preview of your video will appear in the HTML editing window. Note: if the preview displays the message "Error: No source video was found - Entry in process" proceed to the next step. This message is expected. Your video is processing and will be available soon. Don't upload your media again.
- Check the box in front of "Add to student to-do"
- Click the calendar icon and select the date when the assignment is Due.
- Click the Save and Publish button.
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